O.S.M.T.H.M.M. Ireland
Masters of the Templars in Ireland
Matthew a Templar -1177
Walter the Templar - c.1180
Guarnerus -
Hugh the Templar - c.1200 - 10
Henry Foliot - c.1210
Ralph de Southwark - 1234
Roger le Waleis - 1235 - 50
Herbert de Manchester - 1257 - 73
Roger de Glastonbury - 1278 - 88
Thomas de Toulouse - 1288
Walter le Bachelor* - 1295 - 1301
Peter de Malvern - 1300
William de Waryne - 1302 - 06
Henry Tanet** - 1307 - 08
Jon G. 2008-2012
Dr. Daithi O'Briain ThD KGP- 2012-2017
Ian Osborne Jan 2017 - May 2017 (Acting GP)
Hugh McKenna May 2017-Oct. 2017 (Acting GP))
Dr. Daithi O'Briain ThD KGP, GC- June 2017 to Jan 2022
Hugh McKenna Jan. 2022 to Present
Left: GM Gen Ron Mangum OSMTJ, Right: GM Albino Neves of the OSMTHMM

GP Emeritus Dr. Daithi with H.E. Dr. Stellio Venceslai
With the treaty between the OSMTJ Grand Master Gen.Ronald Mangum and the Grand Master Albino Neves we in Ireland both Orders. Grand Prior Emeritus Ireland Dr. Daithi O'Briain ThD will also hold the position of Grand Prior of Austria as he does travel there quite often and since the Election of Gen Mangum to the position of Grand Master of OSMTJ, the position was entrusted to His Excellency Daithi O'Briain. Since the passing of Lady Maire Ui Bhriain, GPE Daithi O'Briain stepped down and GP Hugh McKenna has taken over the position of Grand Prior of Ireland.
Grand Prior Emeritus Dr. Daithi O'Briain ThD holds the position of Grand Secretary General for Ireland and Great Britain of the O.S.M.T.H.M.M.. so he can do very detailed work as well as Ambassador work for both Grand Priories. OS.M.T.M.M.. Ireland Website:
We do all we can to help those that are poor, homeless, cancer support and research, sexual assault, pedophilia, human slavery etc... We support The Rape Crisis Centers in Ireland. Many countries in Europe are having a very difficult time with the influx of people who commit these heinous crimes against not just women and children but even men who are kidnapped and sold into slavery. These gangs are becoming more organized in the European community as well as world wide with the so called New World Order and the politicians supporting this type of behavior. It has been left up to the local communities to fight and support their own communities and charities without being offended by being called racist and bigoted. We must stand up to protect our families and communities and support our local law enforcement and leaders to apprehend, arrest the perpetrators and gangs as well as give as much support as we can to the victims and their families.

GM OTJ Gen Ronald Mangum and
GPE Dr. Daithi O'Briain ThD

Recognition from the Holy Land Grand Priory of Grand Prior Dr. Daithi O'Briain in his dedication against slavery and sexual violence in the world.
Grand Prior Daithi's recommendation to join the Knights of Lazarus by Commander of Carpathia Gen Ron Mangum. The Order of Lazarus and the Templar Order have a very good recognition bond throughout history and in their rules to help each other.

Current Grand Prior Hugh McKenna, GP Emeritus Dr. Daithi O'Briain and Grand Prior of Great Britain H.E. Ian Osborne.

GP Hugh McKenna and
GP Emeritus Dr. Daithi O'Briain ThD
Kingdom of Jerusalem
Dr. Daithi O'Briain ThD H.E.C.K.J.
In Memory of Lady Maire Ui Bhriain, You are so loved and so missed. Grand Dame of Ireland OSMTJ/OSMTHMM SMOKPJ, Order of St. Peter the Apostle (OSPA) 11/2021, Wife, Mother, Sailor, Adventurer, Skydiver,

H.E. Dr. Daithi O'Briian has at the recommendation of Grand Master Gen Ron Mangum, stepped down as Acting Grand Prior for Austria which he was placed when GM Gen. Ron Mangum needed to step down when voted in as Grand Master of the OSMTJ/OTJ Order.

GP Hugh McKenna with his most faithful and lovely buddy Irish Sheep Dog Lady Luna. One of the most lovely fur babies the Knights and Dames of Ireland have ever known. She crossed the Rainbow Bridge 1:30am 05/12/24 RIP Luna
Our heart is with you brother GP Hugh.


GP Hugh with the Christian Bikers Association

GP With friends Derrel Simms Former CIA Operator and Private Investigator.

GP Daithi with friends from the U.S. Army Parachute Team the Golden Knights and the 82nd Airborne Freefall Team at a Skydiving Accuracy Meet.

GC Hugh and his little lady Holly. Crossed the Rainbow Bridge 2017. RIP Lady Holly.

Lady Maire Ui Bhriain and her little boy Harry O'Brien. Both have joined our Lord 2021 and 2022. RIP. Both are missed very much.