England, Scotland and Wales
Grand Prior Ian Osborne

His Excellency Grand Prior of Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales) Ian Osborne has been a Templar Knight for quite awhile now. He was first Knighted in Ireland under the OSMTJ Grand Master Van der Stock. He had continued on when many changes had taken place when Ireland continued under Grand Commander Romolo Lucioli then Regent Nicholas Hamovici Hastier and as more changes had taken place under Grand Master Albino Neves and Grand Master Prof. General Ronald Mangum U.S. Army Ret. jointly. After an underhanded request to separate the North of Ireland from the Republic by the English GP under OSMTJ GM Ronald Mangum, WITHOUT CONSULTING THE IRELAND GRAND PRIORY, the GM granted the request TO separate the North and the Republic of Ireland but later ADMITTED to making a HUGE mistake on this decision, but by that time he realized that with all the support the Irish Grand Priory had from the rest of the Grand Priories and the Magistral Council, it was too late and the damage to the Ireland Grand Priory had been done and the Irish Grand Priory had left the OSMTJ and remained fully and faithfully with the OSMTH Magnum Magisterium under Grand Master Albino Neves. The Irish Grand Priory know GM Ron Mangum from his admission had made a mistake and continue to have the highest respect for him.
Grand Prior Ian was and continues to be the Grand Commander of Ulster Ireland under Grand Prior Hugh McKenna as both Grand Priories do not want to separate the Ireland Grand Priory as both and all Knights and Dames have agreed and voted on in Ireland and should remain as one Grand Priory under and serving God and remain neutral on any political agendas. But if a Knight or Dame in Ulster wishes to be under the Britain and the UK they will not have to worry about being separate from either Grand Priory as they will be invited to both meeting and events as well as National and International meetings. This solved all of the Problems of a separate Ireland and the Charity work we have all strived to do, can continue to do so without such negative influence or decisions. We serve one God and we strive to remain neutral, even as difficult as it is to do these days.
Both Great Britain and Ireland Grand Priories will continue to honor the signed Article between Grand Master Albino Neves and Grand Master Ronald Mangum but will keep our distance from the OSMTJ all Britain group as their leader had caused this major rift and problem in the OSMTJ Order. (Theres always one in a group isn't there?
There is another OSMTJ Grand Priory of England and Wales that is headed by Grand Prior Mark Borrington who is under GM Michel Van Der Stock (r.i.p.). This Grand Priory is well organised and headed and has been around for quite awhile. We hope they continue to be so as they do quite a bit of charity work overtly and behind the scenes.
Grand Prior Ian Osborne continues the Head Quarters of the OSMTH Magnum Magisterium Great Britain in his native Bristol England. He is well founded and has a very good business background, reputation and history.
Grand Prior Ian also is the head of the Templar Knights Motorcycle Club in the UK as well as the Vice President of the club in Ireland. This club accepts Knights and Dames from most Templar Organisations.

We are always looking for good Knights and Dames with good hearts for Charity and supporting their communities.
Ireland and North Ireland: