Sovereign Military Order of the
Knights of the Pilgrims of
We are a Knights Order Association in the Holy Lands of Israel and Ireland. We are Knights in legitimate Christian Knightly Orders. There are many Christian Knights Orders in the world that continue to do acts of chivalry. In this dark world of today with war, famine, natural disasters and plague with deaths and injured running rampant the Knight of our forefathers are and their acts of chivalry are needed now more than ever.
This Order which allows all Knights and Dames of legitimate Christian and Royal Knightly Orders weather Catholic or Protestant are welcome to be a part. We do NOT try to take over any Knightly Order nor do we wish to impose any new rules or regulations on your own Orders. We are a Brother and Sisterhood and Association that wishes to be a bridge and gateway between Orders. We have seen so many posts of jealousy and competitiveness that has caused so much strife between Knightly Orders that it saddens so many that such walls have been built between good Christian Orders who have the same goals of Charity and Chivalry. We also do not impose any rules or regulations that would violate your own Order or Christian Values.
The main body of the Order is based in The Holy Land of Israel and another in the Holy Land of Ireland where many of the Knights had retired and much of the food supplied to the Holy Land in the times of the Crusades had come from. Ireland is also one of the actual beginnings and endings of the Camino de Santiago
Comino Way Ireland Camino Society Ireland - All about the Camino de Santiago

Grand Chancellor Dr. Daithi O'Briain ThD (Past GM)
GPK, KTJ, Grand Cross
Grand Advisor to Ireland and Great Britain OSMTHMM
HOME | smokpj (smokpjmagisterialc.wixsite.com)
Grand Prior Ireland Emeritus OSMTJ/OTJ Global and OSMTHMM
Grand Commander OSPA Ireland
(Order of St. Peter the Apostle, Commandery of St. Patrick)
Grand Secretary General O.S.M.T.J. Global/O.T.J. Emeritus
Magistral Council Legate for Europe Emeritus
OSMTJ Global/O.T.J. - The Official International Home of the OSMTJ/O.T.J. Templar knights
Gran Priorato Templário do Brasil - Cavalaria Espiritual São João Batista - OSMTH - Brasil

H.E. Frank de Bie
Grand Master S.M.O.K.P.J.
Grand Chancellor OSMTJ/OTJ

Prof. Gen. Ronald Mangum U.S. Army Ret.
Grand Master OSMTJ Global
(L'Ordr Du Temple Jerusalem)
Ambassador SMOKPJ

H.E. Albino Neves
Grand Master OSMTHMM
HE Nenad Davidavic GSG OSMTHMM
GP Serbia
Grand Commander SMOKPJ
Knights Orders being recognized by the S.M.O.K.P.J. :
Order of Lazarus
Order or St. John's
Order of Malta
Order of the Holy Sepulchre
Teutonic Knights
Knights of the Cross with the Red Star
Order of Saint Stephen Pope and Martyr
Supreme Order of Christ
Order of the Golden Spur
Order of Pius IX
Order of St. Gregory the Great
Order of St. Sylvester
Order of the Holy Ghost
1: O.S.M.T.H. Magnum Magisterium
3: Knights of Christ
4: O.S.M.T.J. Global