The most direct succession of the Order of the Temple founded by Fabré-Palaprat remains in the Belgian branch which in 1894 created the "International Secretariat of the Templars" in Brussels.
In 1942 Emile Clément Joseph Isaac Vandenberg, Grand Prior of Belgium, transferred the archives of the OSMTJ order to Porto in Portugal, and entrusted them to Antonio Campelo Pinto de Sousa Fontes (1878-1960), the last heir of a neo-Templar genealogy that dates back to the times of the French Revolution. Antonio Sousa Fontes became the new "grand master" after Vandenberg's death.
In 1948 Antonio Campelo Sousa Fontes appointed his son Fernando Pinto Pereira de Sousa Fontes to succeed him who at the death of his father in 1960 became the "prince regent" and "grand master" of OSMTH (1929-2018).
Among the various neotemplary Orders it is above all the Portuguese order of the Sousa Fontes to have assured an international diffusion for 70 years, with the presence of national "Priories" of the Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani in almost all the countries of Europe and South America.
The 50th Grand Master Antonio Campello Pinto de Sousa Fontes with his son Fernando Pinto Pereira de Sousa Fontes, 51st Grand Master of the Order
H.E. Sousa Fontes
I Sousa Fontes at an Order ceremony
The daughter Maria Suzana Sendim Figuefredo Pinto de Fontes, for expressed testamentary wills current Princess Regent of the Order
The 50th Grand Master of the Order Don Antonio Campello Pinto de Sousa Fontes (1942-1960)

The 51st Grand Master of the Order Dom Fernando Pinto Pereira de Sousa Fontes (1960-2018)

Dom Fernando Pinto Pereira de Sousa Fontes with his wife Dona Maria da Gloria Figuiredo

The 51st Grand Master shakes hands with Dom Albino Neves, who he will designate as his successor