
OSMTH Magnum Magisterium Poland
OSMTH Magnum Magisterium Poland is under the Grand Prior H.E. Bartek Koziel and Grand Master Albino Neves. GP Bartek was a Knight in the Order of the Grand Priory of Ireland for several years which at the time was under the OSMTJ (O.T.J.) under Regent Nicolas Hastier and later under Grand Master General Ron Mangum whom GP Bartek had met in Poland.
Poland has a Grand Priory O.T.J. under GM Ron Mangum but did not have a Grand Priory under Grand Master Albino Neves. Since the O.S.M.T.H.M.M. and the O.T.J. have very good relations this is not a conflict and allows the opportunity for brother and sisterhood in both Templar Knight Orders. Both Orders are also under the Umbrella of the S.M.O.K.P.J. Association as well as allows them both to work together without a conflict of interest.

Grand Master Albino Neves and Grand Secretary General Nenad Davidavic
H.E.Grand Prior of Poland Bartek Koziel
OSMTHMM with Polish General Mieczyalaw Bieniek
The Order of the Knights of the Wawel Bronze Bell
E-mail: bartokoziel@gmail.com

Grand Prior Bartek, GP Ireland Hugh McKenna and GM OOD Rev. Dr. Daithi O'Briain ThD
During video Chat.
Member of the Silent Knights Association
Knight Armourer of Ireland. The date of this certificate is much later than the Original Knighting. GP Bartek spends much time in Ireland and is a very welcome member of the Order in Ireland. He meets up often with the Grand Prior of Ireland Hugh McKenna and the Grand Prior of England, Scotland and Wales Ian Osborne.

Member S.M.O.K.P.J. Association
Ambassador for Poland of the OSMTHMM